A plush toy is much more than just a doll. It’s a toy that accompanies children on walks, a toy that teenagers hug and kiss, and a toy that reminds adults of the child that still lives inside them.
It’s a gift that goes straight to the heart.
At Creaciones Llopis, we make plush toys of all sizes, colours and shapes. However, our greatest satisfaction comes from the smiles drawn on the faces of those who receive them.

All sorts
and sizes
Teddy bears, dogs, cats, rag dolls, rocking horses and all kinds of other traditional toys have provided many special moments in our customers’ lives for just as many years.
Toys have been designed for every occasion: Christmas plush toys, Valentine’s plush toys, plush toys for babies, giant plush toys and many, many more.

We are extremely happy to design original plush toys as gifts to celebrate special occasions.
We customise our designs and help our customers create very special promotions.
We take great care over every detail to ensure we offer the very best we can.

We offer
Our plush toys are made from fabrics and materials of the highest quality because that is important for us.
Special fabrics, extra soft, sequins, etc… all of them chosen with extra care and seeking to offer a premium product.

Safety, reliability
and technology
Because we think the customer comes first and we know how important it is to offer safe products, every single one is subject to strict supervision in terms of safety.
We evolve every day to keep up with the times by innovating, improving and offering new interactive products.
Creaciones Llopis
Pda. Els Vinyals s/n.
03450 Banyeres de Mariola
Telf. +34 966 567 157
Fax +34 966 567 211